Oil Prices Workshop

July 15, 2008
02:56 PM
Building on the success of previous energy-themed workshops -- on climate, on natural gas, on coal, on biofuels, etc. – the Senate Energy Committee will convene another such workshop, on transportation and heating fuel costs, this Thursday, July 17. Senators will look carefully at why today’s gasoline and diesel prices, and tomorrow’s home heating fuel prices, are/will be so high, and what can be done about it.  All 100 members of the U.S. Senate have been invited to offer their views and recommendations on this vexing problem.
The workshop will begin at 9:00 a.m. in Room G-50 of the Dirksen Office Building.  A limited number of subject matter experts also will participate.
Sen. Bingaman: “I look forward to this workshop, and to hearing more from my fellow Senators on this tortured topic of high oil prices.  I intend for the workshop to focus our attention not only on the challenges inherent in high oil prices, but also on developing a common path forward that we can come together to support.”
Sen. Domenici:  “It is clear to me that the high price of gasoline is causing great economic harm to our country, and the American people want us to do something about it.  It is my hope that this workshop will help Senators better understand the root causes of this problem and generate a good discussion as to how we can go about fixing it.”
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