Hearing Set for Bipartisan Energy Bill

June 16, 2006
12:05 PM
Next Thursday, The Enhanced Energy Security Act (S. 2747) gets a hearing in the Senate Energy Committee. That bill, introduced by a bipartisan group of senators led by Bingaman, Bayh and Coleman, aims to reduce demand for oil and natural gas by promoting more efficient use of energy.  (In addition to Bingaman, other Committee Democrats co-sponsoring the legislation are Sens. Cantwell, Menendez and Salazar.)
As if anticipating this hearing, the national science academies of the G8 countries, along with China, Brazil, India and South Africa, just published a joint statement on energy sustainability and security.  The statement identifies a series of difficulties related to the security and sustainability of the world's energy, including climate change, sharply rising and fluctuating oil and gas prices, providing fuels for the developing world, inefficient and wasteful use of energy and a geographical mismatch between energy sources and users.  These international scientists send a clear message: Important things remain to be done with national and international energy policies.  A key recommendation is a call for world leaders to look to greater use of energy efficiency and clean, affordable and sustainable energy systems to enhance global energy security.  That, precisely, is the goal of S. 2747.
The hearing will be at 10:00 a.m. in Dirksen 366.  Visit energy.senate.gov to watch via webcast.  Happy as always to answer questions.
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