Democrats Latest Energy Plan Offers a Few Good Ideas, Lots of Bad Ones and Will Make No Difference in Energy Supply

Meanwhile Democrats Continue to Block Environmentally Responsible Production Efforts

May 17, 2006
01:55 PM

Washington, D.C. – Senate Democrats have offered yet another energy plan while continuing to block legislation that will make a real difference in energy supply and price,  Energy & Natural Resources Chairman Pete Domenici said today.

Chairman Domenici’s statement:

“This latest plan is a sprinkling of good ideas, a heavy helping of bad ideas and distractions, and a pathetic absence of any effort to increase American energy supply.

“My Democratic colleagues fail to understand the basic tenets of supply and demand. If we want to bring down energy prices, we must reduce demand while increasing supply. Instead, they simply propose an array of untested federal mandates they hope will reduce demand. President Jimmy Carter tried a similar approach in the 1970s and we all remember how that turned out.

“If my colleagues want to bring down energy prices, stop blaming the President and join us in reducing demand while increasing supply.”